Collection: Pre Rolls & Blunts

Before we dive in, it's essential to clarify the nature of CBD pre-rolls and their intended use. CBD pre-rolls are crafted by rolling crushed hemp flowers into compact joints. These pre-rolls contain CBD, a non-intoxicating compound derived from the cannabis plant.

Because these joints are made from hemp, they do not induce the typical euphoric effects associated with marijuana use. Hemp-based products are primarily therapeutic and contain minimal THC levels, typically at 0.3% or less. As a result, CBD doesn't produce the psychoactive high commonly linked to THC. Instead, it can trigger what's known as the entourage effect, a combined impact involving various cannabinoids and terpenes found in hemp. Therefore, CBD pre-rolls are often used for medicinal purposes, such as managing stress, anxiety, pain relief, and a range of other health-related benefits.

CBD pre-rolls come in various strains, including Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid, each offering distinct effects:

Indica: CBD pre-rolls made from Indica strains are renowned for their soothing and calming effects. They often induce a "couch-lock" sensation, making them ideal for promoting relaxation and sleep. Users who have tried Indica-infused pre-rolls commonly report feeling drowsy and typically prefer using them in the evening for the best results. Indica strains are especially beneficial for individuals dealing with chronic insomnia, anxiety, or pain management.

Sativa: In contrast to Indica, Sativa-dominant strains found in CBD pre-rolls provide users with uplifting and energizing effects. These strains tend to increase serotonin levels in nerve cells, contributing to feelings of happiness and reducing stress. Additionally, they can enhance focus and creativity. Due to their energizing properties, Sativa pre-rolls are perfect for daytime use, offering motivation and providing immediate relief for pain and discomfort.

Hybrid: As the name suggests, Hybrid strains contain a blend of both Indica and Sativa genetics, combining the unique properties of each. When choosing hybrid CBD pre-rolls, it's crucial to understand the specific effects of the particular strain you're considering. Hybrid pre-rolls offer a balance of various effects, making them a versatile choice for users seeking a combination of relaxation and energy.